Even if you have set up a payment method, it may not be completed due to payment method or communication problems. Please check the following and make the payment yourself.
Check your card issue
Check the payment method you are setting up. It may show Failed to pay last time.
First, please check to see if there are any problems with your card, such as expiration date, payment limit exceeded, etc.
If there is a problem with your card, please register another card or make another payment after the problem is resolved.
Please note that Charichari cannot accept inquiries about the registered contents of your card.
Please contact the card issuer.
Check your payment details
If you cannot identify the problem with your card, please check the payment details.
Depending on the payment details, the payment may not be completed automatically. Please check the details and then make the payment yourself.
To check the payment details, go to "Payments" in the menu, and tap on the payment for each month.
Make a payment
If you could not identify the problem with your card or payment details, it could be a communication problem.
Please tap the "Payment" button and execute the payment again by yourself.